
Pherlure Pheromone Cologne Review

Pherlure is a bottle that contains synthetic pheromones. These are the same pheromones that are present in us, but they are synthetically prepared. They have the same effect at attracting the opposite gender.

The primary use of Pherlure is for men who find that they do not have the desirability for the opposite gender. Just by putting on a few sprays of Pherlure in sensitive areas they can become a lot more desirable.

Men can attract women better and it works great on relationships. It is found that women feel more attracted to men who emit pheromones and even their sexual activities are altered to become more productive.

ABC News conducted an experiment of their own to see if pheromones really do work. They took a set of identical twins and applied a pheromone oil to one twin and plain, old witch hazel to the other one. They took the twins to a bar and had them switch places throughout the night so no one would realize they were 2 different people. The results were amazing! 30 men approached the twin wearing the pheromones while only 11 men approached the sister wearing witch hazel. The use of pheromones appears to have tripled the success rate!

If you feel that your sex life is going nowhere despite your best efforts, perhaps what is lacking in you are the pheromones. Use Pherlure, the critically acclaimed and television-featured product to enhance your sexual desirability and see the difference.

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